GNU 四十年
2023 年 9 月 23 日,工程师及作家 Ploum 在网站发布了 « 40 ans de GNU »,本文是翻译,譍作者要求以 CC BY-SA 授权(而非本站默认的 CC BY-ND)。我很喜欢 Ploum 至少在此展现的文风。您可在 Gemini 协议阅读原文与本文。
Richard Stallman 不想改变世界。他不想和风车战斗。他不想再造轮子。Richard Stallman 只想寻回他的朋友,他的社群。
(8 Mar 2025), 译自 Ploum
续读 ⋙黉舍夜游记
(27 Feb 2025), 于北京
续读 ⋙博客自省问卷十五题
问卷雅余以《独立博客自省问卷 15 题》为题发表,我不知道何为「独立博客」,因此去掉了这两字。(说到独立一词,翻译 Youth Mode 时我即为 mass indie 犯难。某些 indie 早已失其本意,一跃而为一种流派了。旁的冠此字者大概难以免俗。最早的存稿作「大规模独立创作」,已而译为「大独立」,意在保留这种偏差。)这个问卷我初次见于陈仓颉,我在该文取得了问题:
console.log([...document.querySelectorAll('h2')].map(x => x.innerText.split(' ')[1]).join('\n'))
(22 Feb 2025), 于北京
续读 ⋙‘If need be, I will leave w/o looking back…’
You may have perceived the title as another clickbait, and the post as a mere ‘2024 review’. The title is the exact word I repeatedly told myself, however, ever since the outcome of my incorrigible decisions this year. I will remember the train returning to Lanzhou, where I stared at the dim wooden bulkhead, sitting huddled and feeling as if fevered. Following the should-have-been-memorable graduation, I viewed no exhibition, applied for no internship, and pushed further no personal projects that is even less viable in the new circumstances.
This should not hinder that the title line is an excuse. I have been giving up giving up all the time. I am conned to believe that I am not facing a choice. Dare call it no choice; that escape to Zion is the only choice.
(31 Dec 2024), civitate terrena
Read more (655 words) ⋙omekapo, Lánzhōu
tenpo pini lili la, mi tawa weka tan tomo sona lon ma tomo Lánzhōu.
mi pana e lipu mi la, tenpo suno luka luka tu tu li tawa. tenpo pini ni la, mi awen wile pona e lipu. taso, mi pilin ike tawa nasin mi la, mi ken ala toki. tenpo pi kama sona li pini lon tenpo lili. taso, mi jaki lukin li jaki pilin.
(2 Jun 2024), lon ma Kansu
lipu ni (nimi 545) ⋙linluwi lili li pona a!
mi enujo a! enujo lili li tan ni: tenpo pini lili la, mi tawa e wile sona suli lon ma tomo Teje. enujo suli li tan ni: tenpo sike ni la, mi weka tan tomo sona la, pali mi li mute mute. taso mi o jo e musi e namako. ala la, mi monsuta mute. pali mi li ken pini kin.
mi lukin e lipu pi nasin linluwi Gemini tan seme? mi weka sona. taso, mi kama sona la, mi kama olin lon tenpo sama. nasin linluwi Gemini li seme? toki lili la, ni li linluwi pi lipu taso. toki esun kule li weka. leko walo insa leko pimeja lon lipu linluwi ali li weka. poki suli pi toki ilo CSS anu JavaScript li weka. lipu pi sitelen ABC li taso lon.
(30 Jan 2024), lon ma Sansi
lipu ni (nimi 699) ⋙「挺」的中古三字
RIME 给 BYVoid 说是「神级输入法」,这话还在主页耍拉子哩。一看才知是 2012 年写的,发了老半天哩,奈会子黄雀飞做黄码用的都不是 RIME。贾的圈子看的是人人都做编码哩蛮,实际都听梆声哩,隔三间五赶群里「这个方案好,这个以外都不行」或「咨们不直接用那个」,轻飘得很。
切韵拼音有了之后,SyiMyuZya 做了切韵拼音三拼输入方案,和切韵拼音不搭腔。看见奈会一猛子想起挺(人名)的中古三字也是先有拼音。看着两面个文档思谋一下,还是用了挺的方案,scheme 在群里面,没在 GitHub。原 scheme 屏显挺的全拼,用的潘悟云音系,粗奘奘地转写,嫌难看哩,换了音韵地位。选单窄的哩,多字词又长,音韵地位不能一搭写,比方例字 qieyun-js 的写法是来开三祭去,就成个 來ᵏ³祭꜄。
(23 Jan 2024), 于山西
续读 ⋙贵处来返人员代表字是什么?
(7 Mar 2023), in Gansu
续读 ⋙Kokanu in lika Hanci
It is Kokanu anyhow. nin je Kokanu’s zeal being undermined by the one-size-fits-all attempts to not distinguish word formation and syntax, there is still great need to renovate the Hanzi/Kanji transliteration. And here it goes.
Still, it bears maximal inter-intelligibility with the Second Polling Scheme of toki pona.
(8 Nov 2022), in Gansu
Read more (688 words) ⋙