
About my name

Matling, from mat as in material and -ling, suffix for a follower.


This content is solely for though pedantic enough. Tsieushaeng Fuh by Euyang Sieu:

The verdant is unsentimental, fading into nothing now and then. Humans are animals, but the paragon of them.

mat as in material’ is an interpretation under Sky Darmos’ constructed script adapting Chinese characters to the Germanic languages, which I called Siaudzih.

In non-natural languages:

Lojbanla mytlin
Shidinngwƨ viƨGeuénnýn
Toki Ponajan Malinjan[_mi_alasa­_li_insa_nasin]

About matling.fit

Why 2038?

The name of 2038, a Jekyll theme by my own, is a reference to — not that you already know — a song by Yi An Musical released in 2018. It is a song that whispered the possibility of a future of oblivion and the demise of their musician dreams. Alas, the song, according to some, turned out to be a crystal ball.

Traits for design include

Unfortunately, the code in GitHub repository is outdated, particularly redundant and not complying with modern CSS. I should have been more decisive — the old code is controversial when I take both retrocomputing and free from JavaScript into account.

A timeline for progenitors

The birth of a website of Muqliong Gang in Microsoft FrontPage, with ‘eye-protecting’ orchid-coloured table layout, reading ‘it is our eternal pursuit to help more people realise their dreams’. Not knowing how to publish it online, I requested fellows of the Gang to manually create the same directory.
Some earliest posts here, basically writing tasks for elementary school students, can be found in zww.cn. Others were published on QZone, a private SNS then crammed with ‘not a doomsday but a cherishing year!’.
A blog with Hexo, with a ‘futuristic’ collection of practice questions on physics, was first time deployed online with CODING. Writing elsewhere on algorithm at the same time; I will include them as long as the format is ready.
Revived my blog after gāokǎo. Migrated to Jekyll.
21 May 2021
Registered the domain name later changed (for spelling reezon) to matling.fit. Theme switched to 2038 designed in a fortnight.
11 Mar 2024
‘Many blogs are prone to desolation for lack management’… Well, some sort. Rearranged the repository.

Publication date

DM (‘in the days of Muqliong’) denote days starting from 1 May 2011, when Muqliong Gang was approximately formed. For more details, refer to Lexicon Matlini.